onsdag 22 augusti 2012

I want to know

As I have written in previous posts, my daughter's idol out on turnee we were and saw him last Friday and he appears in Eksjö on Friday. The plan is that we will go down after the performance he should write autograph and then want to be there because he had such a hurry last time. My partner's parents should also occur where we are waiting to hear about a thing. It would be so nice if this went through, she would be so happy and also so shy and eh does not for their children? Fingers crossed really hard right now. I need some positive energy in my life I'm about to have a nervous breakdown, hence I write so much right now;) Hate to wait for something that would mean so much for my daughter. Even for me, because I see how happy she would be. Now we've just eaten dinner, it was salad for my part it is so good .. Have a wonderful evening all beautiful

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